Take off the blindfold. Live into your aliveness.
Reconnect Five Session Overview
Ever get tired of your brain speaking unkindly to you? Well, if your brain were a friend, you’d likely unfriend them. Reconnect Session Five seeks to befriend your inner critic and teach them how to be your ally (and speak kindly to you).
Reconnect Four Session Overview
Reconnect Three Session Overview
Reconnect Two Session Overview
Reconnect One Session Overview
Reconnect Overview Video
Podcast: Somatic Meditation
Feel Satisfied: Stop Judging and Start Sharing
Being a Professional is about Presence
To become a professional, yes one needs to be on time and speak without using cuss words. Yet, what really defines a professional is not what they do, but how they be. Being requires us to understand our vision and how we will get there. Be aware that others have a vision too, and its is different than ours. And finally, understand how we contribute to our organization, family system, or community.