Lead on purpose.

We support organizations and individuals to be contextually and culturally aware and take confident and effective action.

Through inquiry, systems reveal their challenges. From a systems perspective, we help the organization or individual observe and assess their processes and practices. Together, we gather data, review the discovery, and determine a course of action.

We engage the whole system through experiential learning. People are already ‘bought in’ from the beginning because they have a voice in the process.

Once in motion, we assess strengths and areas to develop to move toward the co-created goal. 


Using a gestalt of methods in conversation, we arrive at a bold and pertinent goal. As language gives voice to action and can shape how we think and feel, special attention is paid to not only what is said, but to how and why.

Basic communication techniques are taught throughout sessions. We address conflict, feedback, active listening, meeting design, and other skills useful to modern leaders.


Movement practices, as individuals and as a group, work with the body and brain connection. 

To embody leadership skills, to make them automatic, to have a chance at choosing them instead of leaving it to a miracle, we must engage the body in our learning.

This is called somatic learning.

Movement practices in line with a commitment get at the heart of the challenges facing a person. People learn how to be congruent in their body and mind. This alone will set you apart from your colleagues. 


Our body holds a lifetime of shaping called armoring.

Armoring happens below our level of consciousness.

Armoring limits the life we feel moving through the body, and can lead to a general malaise, chronic illness, muscular tightness, headaches, stomach issues, and many other ailments. 

Transformation happens when the armoring is released. Behaviors not possible before becoming the new norm.

The aim of Strozzi Somatic bodywork is to reconnect the body to the brain and unlock long-held patterns of thought, emotion, and action giving you more capacity to feel and be present in the life you lead. 

This bodywork is an amalgamation of techniques: rolfing, breath work, Feldenkrais, polarity therapy, acupressure, and others.

It weaves commitment and purpose into the body, re-patterning movement, and increasing focus.

Bodywork generally happens on an individual level. Yet, aspects of bodywork - like breathing differently or rhythmically - are done as a group.

Build the body of a Leader

... is hard work. 

It means to ...

  • understand the systems that helped you become who you are; from your family system to the social and political culture of your country of origin.

  • learn communication skills to dialogue confidently about your and others goals, how these desires were shaped by your particular history, and live fully into your emotions.

  • and, know how your body holds onto your history and depending on the system you come from, determines your ability to build connection, share emotions, and choose your direction.

Through these lenses, I help you build the body of a leader from the inside out.